All posts by wordsbybee

Already Nostalgia?

Within the first week of arriving on campus, groups were already well established within the international community. I was lucky to be in one that would later be nicknamed ‘The Breakfast Club.’ I think the name I think originally stemmed from the fact we developed the routine of eating breakfast together, haha how original. So, believe it or not, before tonight I had never seen the classic movie, The Breakfast Club. And I absolutely LOVED it. Clearly because of the self-given group nickname ‘The Breakfast Club,’ I begin thinking of our group of friends as characters in the movie. That triggered a plethora of comparisons and I just thought I should share a couple, so here goes:

Although none of us fit perfectly into the roles of the brain, the athlete, the basket case, the princess, or the criminal, in university, we are grouped by our major rather than the typical high school stereotypes. There are so many different interests within our group. You have the English major, animation major, film major, history major, psychology and criminology major, the theatre major turned dancer, and the economics and finance major. These labels, in a way, define who we are, what we aspire to be and, to an extent, who we hangout with during our time here and especially back home. The people in your classes tend to be the people you talk to as well as the people you study with and develop relationships with. Period.

Though, instead of classification by degree choice, we are are most commonly defined by our nationalities during our time here at Edge Hill. Our backgrounds, cultures, traditions and accents (ha) we bring from our homelands are what define us. Instead of being known as the ‘nerds’ or ‘jocks’ we are known as the Americans and the Brazilians. That is who we are and there is nothing that can be done to change it. We think through the filters of our backgrounds, how we were raised and where we are from. [My thoughts through an American filter: I will forever think that people here are driving on the wrong side of the road. I will never stop wondering why there are no public restrooms and no trashcans. I will always chuckle to myself when I hear ‘fink’ instead of ‘think.’ I will always say ‘how are you?’ rather than ‘you alright?’ Lastly and most importantly, I will never agree with the concept of paying to use the toilet.] Anyhow, within our group, we have three members from Michigan, one from South Carolina, one from Colorado, one from Oklahoma, one from Israel, and one from Germany. If you look at the entire international group of students there is even more diversity. I have met folks who are here studying from Guatemala, Italy, France, Brazil, China, Ireland, England, Spain, Korea, Mexico, Sri Lanka and places ALL over the US. This got me thinking about how this study abroad experience, although we are here 100% willingly, can be compared to the Saturday detention in the movie. Like the students who would have never associated with each other otherwise, there are so many different people from all over the globe with so many different interests and backgrounds who would have never met if it weren’t for our time here at Edge Hill. Thanks to this experience, I get to be friends with aspiring teachers, doctors, actresses, lawyers and artists from all over the globe. We are all bound together and at the very least share one thing in common, despite our differences. The fact that we were blessed with the opportunity to study in freaking England and travel to places we may never have visited otherwise.

One scene that really kind of got me thinking was when Brian asked if everyone would say hi to him in the hallway when they’re all back at school. Most said no (other than Allison). The kids think that once their lives go ‘back to the normal,’ they will no longer acknowledge one another, even after significant bonds were made between the characters. He then says that he would never do that to them because he considers them friends. When we go back home, we can either get caught up with our ‘back to normal’ routines, each go our separate ways and never speak again, or we can, and I hope we do, continue to stay in touch and in each other’s lives. This experience is something that we will have in common forever. Inevitably, nostalgia is in every single one of our futures and we are the only ones that can relate to one another. This group of people, even the other foreigners here at the same time, experiencing the same activities, are the only ones that will EVER truly understand what you mean when you talk about, the sweaters at the market, the crazy KFC, Ruff woods and the overly friendly ducks on campus. It would absolutely break my heart if we never spoke again after leaving. Therefore, my promise to each of you is “don’t you, forget about me” and I won’t forget about you:) Sorry, I had to have that somewhere.

So here’s to The Breakfast Club staying in touch! Cheers! xxx

TheBreakfastClub blog[3] 20130704002508!Breakfast_club

Stretching Thoughts

Keeping a blog and a daily journal has proved to be a bit more challenging than I had anticipated. I am trying my very hardest to prevent this from becoming a hassle. I want to look forward to sitting down and writing in my journal, but it is becoming easier and easier to fall days and weeks behind. It seems like an injustice to the actual experience having to back-track my thoughts.

I think I have to come to the realization that each experience, each day, simply cannot be fully preserved in the pages of my journal or through the lens of my camera. Although, I can try my darndest to capture every beautiful scene and every profound thought that I’d like to keep for later, perhaps I should focus on documenting the most influential, significant, and memorable events. I think from this point forward, I’m going to record glimpses of certain important experiences rather than attempt to keep a play-by-play of each day. The play-by-play’s seems to boil down to entries structured like, “We did this… then we did this… then this happened” rather than getting to go into detail about something interesting or thought-provoking.

So. Here goes nothing:

Yesterday was Halloween and it was the first I suppose ‘holiday’ spent away from family and friends back home. After going out and dressing up the night before, we decided that watching movies and having cider sounded like the most fun and relaxing option. With that plan in mind, after spending much of afternoon in the library, I began to look for a place to watch our movies. Because we are study abroad/international students, we are stuck in the very back halls. When I say back halls, I mean probably the worst accommodations on campus for many reasons. The one common room we have in each of the three halls is usually, and most definitely was on Halloween night, being used to prepare for the night out unfortunately. Out of options, we decided to watch our movie in my bedroom on my laptop. Trying to comfortably fit seven grown humans in a room meant for one all looking at a tiny screen sounds very difficult. But, surprisingly, as we drank warm cider and watched Hocus Pocus, it felt very homey. There is something about close quarters that makes an experience feel comfortable and cozy. Instead of being spread out across the common room, we were all cuddled up on the bed and on the floor just talking and laughing. It’s so nice to have friends who can also appreciate a good relaxing movie night. I think Hocus Pocus with friends last night was just what the doctor ordered!


Unusually Under-committed

Oddly enough, I find myself missing the learning environment from Oklahoma City University: the 2-3 classes a week with rigorous assignments, tests, papers, deadlines, group projects and generally the over committed academic lifestyle. Here, I have found that meeting once a week for class is nice, don’t get me wrong, yet a little too spread out for my taste. I much rather prefer the consistency of the stressful due dates and tests. I am almost too relaxed in this environment. Many of my tutors (not professors, as I have recently learned that the title professor is a very hard title to achieve so not many of the lecturers here are professors) say, “Oh, it is only the third week of modules (classes).” To me that means we should be approaching our first test and have already written some sort of paper and many assignments. I still know nothing about due dates of term papers that have not yet been assigned and it is a little bit unsettling. I keep thinking that the semester will kick in eventually and the longer the wait is the more anxious I get!


Traveling for Dummies In Their Twenties

Here I am staring down the barrel of month number two and just getting back from my first independent trip and I have realized one thing. I am 21 years old and am just now learning how to travel. It is absolutely amazing to me how public travel is accessible and actually encouraged here. I have met so many people who don’t have a drivers license nor a car simply because they don’t need one. Young people are exposed to and have easy access to public transportation, so why would they drive? Back home, you have limited freedom until your sixteenth birthday when you can get a drivers license and, if you’re lucky, a car. When you meet someone who is eighteen and license-less, it’s weird. If you live in a small town, such as Choctaw, Oklahoma, you are virtually cut off from the world, unless you travel with parents. Here in England, it’s typical to see young teenagers going from the small market town of Ormskirk to Liverpool for the evening or weekend. To this day, I have never used a taxi, bus, or train to travel anywhere in the U.S. other than within New York City. Keeping that in mind, getting accustomed to the transportation here has been difficult. Though, with weekend trip number one under my belt, I feel like I finally understand how to navigate using this foreign thing they call ‘public transportation.’ On another note: It is absolutely crazy to me that young teenagers have the same opportunities that I have while I am here. We are all on the same playing field. On the train to Windermere, you can see people of all sorts: a group of teenagers going to hike in the Lake District for the weekend who are staying in a hostel, a quiet older woman staying in the same hostel who has come to enjoy the environment, an older gentleman who is ‘through hiking’ the fells with his dog, myself and Lizzie who are visiting for the weekend, hiking the same fells and staying in the same hostel. Everyone is here for the same thing. I now realize that you don’t have to be a certain age to travel. You don’t have to be rich and you don’t need to live luxuriously. You can actually travel young and travel cheap which makes me wish I had began travelling sooner. It makes me wish that when I turned sixteen, I “just went.” On a camping trip to the Wichita Mountains, a day trip to Dallas, or even a weekend trip to Galveston or Table Rock Lake. When I get back, I plan on “just going” a hell of a lot more often. The world is my oyster (Queue the cliché travel quotes.) I live in such a beautiful place and have taken its availability for granted. There are so many places I haven’t been, even in the States! I will most definitely be going to as many places as time and funds permit while I’m here! See my Facebook page for albums of the destinations I’ve visited thus far! On yet another note: During our last night of the trip to Watershead/Ambleside in the Lake District, Lizzie and I compiled a list of travel tips, things we wish we had been advised or warned of before we left home. Tips not listed written on the napkin below include:

  • Never assume you will visit the same place twice
  • Always overestimate the amount of money that will be spent on food and transportation (public transportation is expensive!)
  • Look into a National Trust membership because you can get free access into many properties/museums/tours for 27GBP.
  • Don’t carry your real passport with you on weekend trips (oops)
  • Have a padlock
  • If you’re hiking in England, there’s bound to be rain, so definitely look into WATERPROOF boots
  • Don’t focus on missed opportunities, but the things you accomplished and got to experience (You can’t do everything in one weekend/visit)
  • Use the bathroom when one is available. Please.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for directions or advice, just remember and learn from the answers
  • And I’m sure there are many more to come!
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Oh the places you’ll go…

It has been quite some time since I last blogged and I’m not sure I even remember how. The past week I have been writing in a journal so hopefully, for everyone’s sake, I’ll get back into the swing of it rather quickly.

As another semester begins, I find myself in an vastly different environment. Though classes and meetings, assignments and readings will throw me back into a well-known routine, I cannot ignore the fact that I am in England for the semester. I AM IN ENGLAND. If five years ago you had asked where I would be my junior year of college, never in a million years would I have answered ‘Edge Hill University in Ormskirk, England.’ I am very schedule driven. After my first semester of college, I planned out my entire academic career allowing me to graduate a semester early. However, one of my favorite sayings is, “Want to make God laugh? Tell him your plans.” And that has most definitely proven true in my case.

My classes, or modules as they say here, start tomorrow and I. Am. Anxious, excited, relieved and  nervous. It is the most bittersweet first day of classes I have ever experienced. After arriving in Europe on September 11th, I have travelled to so many different places. I have fallen in love with my surroundings: the tangled canals of Amsterdam, the vivid and lush Holland countryside, the hustle and bustle of Manchester and the history of Liverpool, Chester and Conwy. Lest not forget the amazing and friendly community that make up Ormskirk and Edge Hill. I have met amazing people with phenomenal stories and made friends that I can relate to and learn from.

I feel as though I’m on a 100 day vacation. Each day is a blessing and I dare not take a second for granted. Here’s to an unforgettable adventure of a lifetime.


This semester has been quite the eye opener. Honors Composition II: Writing in Many Media has exposed me to such a wide range of digital platforms. Before this class, I had heard the word “blog” only in passing. Honestly, I thought blogs were for hippies and lonely people. Now, I have a blog of my own; a living, changing entity where I can express my thoughts, concerns, ideas, and beliefs. I have composed posts for each given assignment and more. I labeled the assigned posts “Apportioned Posts,” while my others are in “Rambling.” I am now well versed in WordPress and am able to navigate my and other blogs very fluently. Having written over 4,500 words this semester, my blog posts have become very connected with my personality and the way I think. I am a very visual person and tent to incorporate that into my writing. I am also a very inquisitive person and like to know the exact answer to everything, which often times leads to more questions than answers.

Descriptions are something I commonly use in my writing. I try to individualize each item in a list so that the reader doesn’t simply read through them thoughtlessly. In my post, “The Barnacle” in OCU Campus Legends blog, I wrote in sot of poem format. Instead of saying ‘I collected this, this, this, this, and that,’ I tried to create a vague image of my objects. Arranging them in fragments was more effective and it flowed. The closing statement was meant to inspire the reader. I wanted to leave readers with something to remember—something to try themselves. I wanted them to think, “Ya, Smith is right, everything is interesting. Brooke’s mini-museum proved that!” In rough drafts of my posts, I tend to sometimes put too much context into my writing and, in an effort to condense the piece, I delete the context and skip to the point. That leaves the reader confused. In this post, I should have elaborated on the assignment in order to inform the reader why I was conducting this “exploration.” I have learned that even if my work gets lengthy, it is better to be thorough than unclear.

Questions play a leading role in my writing. That is elaborately seen in my post “Looping Thoughts.” I tend to take a thought and run with it. I address every aspect of a thought, but then loop back around and ask myself, “does this matter?” This is an accurate depiction of how I think. My thoughts are often plagued by questions. If I find an answer to one question, it immediately leads me to ask another. When I can channel the questions I ask myself, sometimes it can be rather insightful. As seen in “Primed and Coated,” my looping thoughts led me to the title of the post. These random insights are the meaning of college. To broaden the way we think as individuals. To open our minds to different perspectives and ideas.

Looking back to the very first real posting, I claimed my thoughts were vulnerable. This was demonstrated when our class was told to comment on a blog post by someone of whom we had never met. I can honestly say that the most intriguing experience with WordPress was when we were assigned to read and comment on the posts from Auburn’s Honors Composition II class. I read every single posting. After having thoroughly read and commented on one post, I was hooked. I continued to read each post and if something caught my eye or no one had commented on it, I sat and wrote a good, at least 200-word, mostly-edited, comment. This opened my eyes to the fact that what you say, online especially, has an impact on the portrayal of your personality. I was reading views of someone I had never met who was my own age and the same position as me. As I read certain posts, it occurred to me how close-minded some of the students were. Other posts brought about points I had never thought of, while others I completely disagreed with. I was extremely proud of my comment on Blog 24, What’s up with Digital Activism? by Grinning Sheepishly. I raised questions that I thought would help the author consider new perspectives. I really thought about this comment and wish he or she would have commented back. This inspired me to always reply if someone takes the time to comment on any of my posts. 

WordPress has opened a door I didn’t know existed. It has taught me how to express myself through words and how to communicate not only my thoughts, but my emotions through words. The blogging experience has been a good way of documenting my thoughts, that otherwise would disappear forever. 

Favorite Comment: On Twirling Thoughts Is it consuming my life?

I was able to completely relate to her post and other comments. It’s nice to know that other people are also human and are easily distracted by social media.

Most Inspirational Post: with a tender heart‘s post To This Day Project 

I actually started crying at one point when watching this video. Again, I could relate at some points and even shared my thoughts through my comment.

Two Strongest Posts: Intergenerational Computer Center and A Vacation from Technology

Both posts required a great deal of reflection. I had a phenomenal time with the kids at the ICC and I think that post did it justice. My vacation from technology was simply that. I loved writing about it because it was such a good experience.

Strongest Analytical Writing: Looping Thoughts

This was a confusing topic for me and required me to think about something I have never analyzed. Art. I am not a very artsy person, so this was challenging for me.

Best Usage of Visual Image to Enrich Writing: Positively Positive Thoughts On Thoughts

The image of the couple from the movie gives the post character. The picture is the epitome of the movie.

Best Usage of a Hyperlink: A Vacation from Technology

The hyperlink goes to another blog posting that explains my Miniature Museum. I think it was good to reference Miniature Museum within this post instead of explaining it again.

Most Intellectually Stretching Post: Learning How to Listen

This post required me to dig deeper in to something I found extremely hard to elaborate on. 

XPerience Points: Ding, Ding, Ding!

My first year of college has been full of new digital platforms. I have significantly broadened my technological horizon.

The first new-to-me platform is of course D2L and BlueLink, the Oklahoma City University related websites. It was hard to master maneuvering the sites at first, but once you’ve messed around with them, they’re not that hard to navigate. Some other social media platforms, I just immersed myself in are Pinterest and Instagram. They were not as hard to grasp. Some document sharing websites that are new to me are Dropbox, Google Drive (Google Docs), and Mac’s AirDrop. These platforms blow my mind. I first used Dropbox in my sorority, Alpha Phi, then again in my Liberal Arts Seminar: Campus Legends Class in order to share photographs. I used Google Docs too many times to count this year and have become rather familiar with this site. I have been a part of Facebook for the past five years, but this semester, I created a group for the first time ever! It was incredibly easy and made it easier to keep in touch with desired people. For a different class, Liberal Arts Seminar – Campus Legends, we used a HistoryPin to show our “hidden campus.” We used HistoryPin to reveal hidden secrets of OCU. One last thing would be this WordPress blog. Before my Composition II class, I have never thought of looking at a blog, much less establishing my own.

This year has been quite the technological journey!

Primed and Coated

In lack of exhaustion, I began thinking about the principles America was founded upon. One was the right to religious freedom. Then, I began thinking how, in order to be married (not sure how factual this is, just some late nigh thoughts), two individuals must be recognized by the Church. Now, remember, marriage does come with benefits. Government provided benefits, such as tax breaks. So, essentially the Church must recognize a couple as married in order for the government to provide the couple benefits. That isn’t a very good portrayal of separation of Church and state.

We are a country primed with freedom and coated with layers of legalities. Legalities should be just that. Legal, of or pertaining to the laws that are consistent with constitutional rights. Not something based on a specific religion. I am a supporter of equal marriage rights and I am a Christian. Raised Baptist at that. I do not speak of my religious beliefs with family members and have no idea what their opinions are, but I believe if two individuals desire to be married, then who’s to stop them? Yes, couples are happy without marriage, but we are depriving them of the benefits the equally happy, successful couples are given. Is this fair? Then again, does it even matter? Does it actually hinder them from recieving any benefits? Food for thought.

If I am mistaken in any of my claims, please comment and let me know, because these are just my thoughts concerning the topic and what I know, as of now, to be true. I would love to be corrected though!

Blogfolio Numero Uno

This year has been quite the experience! Honors Composition II: Writing in Many Media has given me a wide range of digital experiences! Before this class, I had never even thought of reading a blog. Now, I have a blog of my own; a living, changing entity where I can express my thoughts, concerns, ideas, and beliefs. Having written over 4,000 words this semester, my blog posts have been very connected with my personality and the way I think. I believe that I have grown up in the past school year. As my freshman year of college is coming to an end, I think the best way to finish is to award superlatives.

Favorite Comment: On Twirling Thoughts Is it consuming my life?

Most Inspirational Post: with a tender heart‘s post To This Day Project 

Two Strongest Posts: Intergenerational Computer Center and A Vacation from Technology

Strongest Analytical Writing: Looping Thoughts

Best Usage of Visual Image to Enrich Writing: Positively Positive Thoughts On Thoughts

Best Usage of a Hyperlink: A Vacation from Technology

Most Intellectually Stretching Post: Learning How to Listen